For the past ten months Sean has been working a second job. He's been contributing to the publication of a math textbook for Pearson Publishing that will be released for the 2010-2011 school year. This book is like nothing authored as of yet. It actually interacts with the students' Texas Instrument calculator which will contain practice exercises and problems that have been downloaded. This calculator is actually a hand held computer that does some pretty cool stuff. Sean's been programming and developing this calculator piece. It's been an amazing opportunity for him professionally and rewarding to know that it will be used to further math education for thousands for many years to come.
He's worked SO hard spending almost all of his evenings on this project. He goes to school at six in the morning and doesn't often go to bed until midnight. It's involved many conference calls, meetings and travel. As of yesterday, it is officially complete. Done. Finished. No more.
There was a collective cheer yesterday when I announced it to the kids. I'm so thankful that he's been able to work from home, but we've missed him nonetheless. We can't wait for evening basketball, Saturday night dates, projects around the house, spontaneous trips to the park.... Everyone agrees that life is much more fun with Dad around.
Yesterday, I picked Sean up from school and we went out for a celebration dinner, just the two of us. I nearly cried while sitting there. I'm incredibly blessed to be married to this man who has given so much of himself to provide for us. I'm incredibly thankful that God opened up this door to meet our financial needs. And I'm incredibly excited to turn the page and start the next chapter in the life of our family.