Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks

I found myself with big tears running down my face this morning when John climbed up into my lap for an extended morning hug. I think I could have held on forever. As his sweet little hands patted me on the back again and again, my mind was turning over and over again of the realness and magnitude of God's grace and His expression of it  in everyday life.

Not every day is exciting and some are just plain hard. Not every struggle or conflict is instantaneously overcome, most are, in fact, painful. Not every moment is full of success, but time marches on and there's another opportunity to try it yet again.  In the midst of all that can be tiring and rigorous and stretching in the dailiness of life, grace does abound.

God is at work.  He gives comfort, companionship, answers, endurance, provision, direction....His presence.

He's given us a table and food for it day by day.

He's given me these seven children, each individual, each with their own unique lives, to teach me more about how to serve and pour out unconditional love.  And when I think I have nothing left to give, God supplies what is needed for me to be their mom. Each day with them is a gift.

He's given me a soul mate who loves me through each day and never stops leading even when it's tough.

He's given me support through my big crazy family who are always there to help at a moment's notice offering a prayer, a practical help, a cup of tea or just a word of encouragement.

He's given me parents who continue to love and support me even at age 40 and He's provided them a home now in their semi-retirement only 10 minutes away.

He's given me life long friends and special times away to reconnect and be refreshed.

He's given me Christian fellowship and the faithful teaching of His Word week by week which remind me and teach me again the sure promise of salvation.

He's given me health and time to enjoy to the beauty found even in the smallest things.

With the abundance of His Grace I am overwhelmed.