(like 55 guests for Thanksgiving)
She'll HAVE to clean out the pantry....
There she'll make the earth shattering discovery that the dryer does in fact eat collar stays. Mystery solved.

Next, she'll empty the room and remember the flooring that never got finished.
She'll decide that instead of cleaning the worn out white vinyl, she'll just tear it all out.

Then she'll realize that she in fact does not have enough flooring and make the first of many trips to the store...
where she'll be told that this particular product has been discontinued.
No worries, because she'll figure out the next best thing and be satisfied with that.
But then she'll remember the can of paint her mom gave her....
and she'll have to paint the whole room.

After the floor is scraped and cleaned and mopped and primed...
she'll do the best she can to place the tiles.
Tired, though she is, she'll go off to work for twelve hours and return home to find that her thoughtful husband installed a new shelving system.

Now the laundry might actually get folded in this room instead of on the couch.