Today our family met and my parents delighted to give gifts to their grandchildren. First, we went to Half Priced Books where the children were given a chance to browse and choose books. It was interesting to see the range of topics that were selected. Each child is so unique.
Later my parents gave each one of the kids a piece of construction paper. They were to tear out the shape of a pig, a cow, a bee or a rabbit. Then they each displayed their work and we all guessed what they had made.
We were then told that each of these animals were given in the childrens' names to another family on the other side of the world. The gift of these animals would provide the income and food that is needed. My mother spoke in tears of a local homeless shelter that also received a gift on behalf of the children. This winter some families will sleep in a warm bed because of this gift.
We pray that our children will grow in their understanding of the gift they were witness to today.
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." -Philippians 2:2-3
How very special! It sounds like a wonderful time.
It was great to "hear" from you. What a wonderful way of giving. We are trying to keep the focus on giving, not getting.
One small thing we did this year was having each child hand out their gifts to others. Just that small action was good, taking the focus off of sitting back being handed gifts by Mom and Dad.
Very meaningful gifts! Mary Brooke
Great to see you again on your blog. What a nice new look!
What a special time and an amazing idea!
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