Monday, May 26, 2008

Meet my man

Do you want to meet my most favorite person in this whole wide world? Get a glimpse into the mind and days of the man who leads me, inspires me and walks with me every day. Yep, he's blogging now and chronicling our summer adventure as we explore Cape Canaveral, Florida and the wildlife of the Space Coast. If you are a homeschooler your kids might find his posts of interest in the coming days. We'll be at the Space Shuttle Launch Saturday. He's a math and physics teacher so you could count it as school;) Pay him a visit and leave him a comment.


Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Yeah! I'm so glad he is going to do that!

Saralyn said...

Wow, the site's great! We'll be tracking with you as a unit study. We studied flying things this year, granted they were flying things created by God, but I figure projectiles are a fitting end to an "up and away" sort of year. Thanks!