Wednesday, March 4, 2009

No Spend Challenge- Days 1-4

Thus far the no spend challenge has been relatively painless. I had $20 in my pocket left from our getaway last week and used it for Mom's Night Out and a breakfast meeting at Panera. I enjoyed it to the fullest. Now I am without that cash and three and a half weeks to go.

Sean is gone for the next few days and I can see how this challenge may have gotten a bit more challenging. It tend to slack a bit when he's gone and take the kids out to give myself a break. I'll have to come up with something creative to keep myself busy at home and resist the temptation to run away. Maybe it will be baking, or filing papers, or freezer cooking, or finally organizing our bookshelves like I started to do six weeks ago....

But, for tonight I'm going to sip iced tea, make my friend some birthday caramel corn, enjoy watching "Wives and Daughters" online and sign everyone up for some free birthday treats. That should keep me busy.


Tisha Alexander said...

You are SO sweet!! THANK YOU. Was it mean that I didn't let the boys have any AND I ate it in front of them? ha...
You have inspired me to start looking into not spending anything in April. Monte thinks I can last 3 days, I think I can prove him wrong! :)

mindi said...

Wow - that is amazing, I could never do it!! I'm trying so hard, but today I bought the kids kites. I could have made them, but I bought them instead (sigh).
One of these days . . .