Thursday, January 7, 2010


Recently things have gone missing around here. It started when I bought some beans at the store. I knew for a fact that they were bagged and put in the cart, but they were nowhere to be found. Oh, well, I must have left them in cart in the parking lot.

Throughout the past week, there has been endless searching for notebooks and journals. First, it was Miriam's church notebook. Then it was Hannah's precious journal. Next, it was Lydia's all important school notebook. We turned the house upside down looking for it.

I was actually watching a show about hoarders with some of the kids (is was me intentional attempt to show them what can happen when you love stuff too much) when we realized that no one had seen John in quite some time. After searching we found him alright. Hiding happily under his bed....
With his booty of trash and other precious items....

A few hours later the beans were discovered as well....


Andrea said...

Now that's just plain funny! :-)

Michelle said...

Oh my, how funny!

I just saw that show about hoarding for the first time last week while I was visiting some relatives. Hopefully we won't find John on there in 20 years! :)

Angie said...

um...hysterical! What a hoot! I guess you know where to look when things go missing!