In my quest to disguise my home as one well ordered and not ruled by seven children, I have devised yet another handy tool. Meet my friend, the Diaper Basket.
For the past 11 years I have been changing diapers. I quickly realized that diaper changing tables are unrealistic in my world for several reasons. One being that I am too lazy to go all the way upstairs to get a diaper, let alone carry the baby with me. Besides, I prefer to change my children on the floor where they are easier to wrestle and will not fall to the ground.
Years ago my mother-in-law purchased a beautiful Longerberger picnic basket for me. Since I had never owned something so expensive, I naturally wanted to display it. However, what good is a basket if you are not using it? Placed conveniently in the living room it became the Diaper Basket. Stored inside is a package of diapers, wipes, ointment and a hand towel to protect the carpet. Everyone (even guests) has full access to the diaper basket and, being at kid level, little ones are eager to help.
Someday (in possibly the next 18 months) the Diaper Basket will be retired.

Oh oh, I have a picnic basket and using diapers. Looks good. Thanks for the tip:)
That's SO funny. This is the tip I almost posted today too! We call our "basket" the ugly diaper bag.
Great idea.
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Amen, amen, amen! I love baskets but they have to have a purpose and a use. Our changing table is in the middle of the house so it is convenient but I use baskets to keep everything in and organized. It looks good and is functional.
What a great idea, Monica! I'll have to think about something like that for our downstairs - I usually raid the diaper bag. :)
Good idea.
I changed upstairs.
But I always had a ready to go diaper bag ready in the hall, so if needed...
I have always had several unused baskets around. I remember when it occurred to me that I could actually PUT something useful in them. Sigh. Good times!
I do the same thing with my diapers. And I don't even have an upstairs. LOL! I also include their diaper ointment, wipes, and a thermometer. If their PJ's are still cleaned, i throw them in there, too.
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog!! You reminded me that I forgot the one most important person for helping us through our financial situation and success, our Lord!
What a great WFMW with the basket. I only have one child at the moment (hope to start on our second sometime in the future when things are better financially) and she just became potty trained - yahoo!!! but I also changed her on the floor so I never had need for a changing table which I didn't have anyway. God Bless!
Gotta love a pretty basket. (And a useful one!)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be visiting again. :)
I am going to have to get me a basket now!!!
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