'A psalm for giving thanks', Psalm 100 presented at our
homeschool program this year. (Baby John can be
heard in the background joining in.)
Thanksgiving 2007
Dear friends,
“Know that the LORD is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:3-5
We have known another year of God’s goodness and grace. Life can be so busy in our family as we continue to work hard, learn, play, and grow. It has been a blessed and fulfilling year and we owe all of it to the Lord. We sat down together to reflect on these things. We pray that you are encouraged to share in them as well.
What has God done?
He answered our long time prayers for a van that would seat our family safely and have working heat and AC.
He ministered to us through our homeschool group, Lighthouse Home Educators, providing friendships for our children and a place for growth and encouragement.
He established the work of our hands (Ps 90:17). Sean continues to thrive teaching at Covenant Christian High School and has become a regular speaker at math/science/technology conferences. Monica is homeschooling the 5th, 4th, 2nd and 1st grade kids this year and continues her work as an RN and lactation consultant a few hours a week.
He has grown his church (Mt 16:18b). We are seeing Christ Church Reformed Presbyterian become more established through the faithful preaching of the Word of God, outreach and accountable relationships. The congregation is hoping to move to a new facility soon. This will allow for further ministry and growth.
What has God taught you?
“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through your knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness” (2 Peter 1:3).
“All that I truly need He has given”– Monica (35)
How to walk, eat big people food and wrestle my brother – John (1)
To use my words instead of crying for what I want – Rebekah (3)
“How to be brave and speak in front of people”– Miriam (7), a.k.a. Mr. Standish in a recent homeschool group play
“To do what I am supposed to the first time instead of waiting” –Lydia (9)
“How to be patient when I’m waiting a really long time” –Betsy (6)
“To think before I act” –Hannah (11)
“To say ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I forgive you’” – Joseph (4)
“So much good stuff”-Sean (35) A deeper study of the 10 commandments and the book of Deuteronomy made me think seriously about the application of my obedience to God. From preparing for the ACMS conference I was encouraged in my thinking about integrating the use of Scripture into my classroom and teaching. A parenting seminar also challenged me to continue to lead consistently in daily Family Worship and reminded of age appropriate resources to engage my children with the Word.
How has God protected or preserved?
*Aunt Vanessa (Monica’s sister) moved home from Russia in February due to a mass on her thyroid. This was an uncertain and scary time for all of us. Thankfully the tumor was benign, was promptly removed and she has had a full recovery. This emergency trip home resulted in a time to become reacquainted with a lifelong friend. As only God can do, this friendship has grown into a loving commitment and she will be getting married this February to Chris Nelson.
*John and Joseph had hospital visits this year related to RSV and the croup. We saw God’s preserving power to restore our boys to full health. Now Mom is breathing a little easier.
*As a family we had great opportunities to travel alongside Sean to his competitions, conferences and classes. We are thankful for God’s provision of safety on the road as we traveled nearly 4,000 miles this year.
What is your favorite memory of this past year?
Weekend reunion with college friends – Monica
Holiday World and Spashin’ Safari – Hannah (11)
Hiking at Turkey Run State Park with my cousins – Lydia (9)
Going swimming at a hotel – Betsy (6)
Spending the night all by myself at Nate’s house – Joseph (4)
Seeing George Washington’s house – Miriam (7)
Playing with my friend, Anna – Rebekah (3)
Hiking, swimming, and relaxing at Spring Mill State Park last winter – Sean
Basketball Camp & Tennis Camp (with Coach Dad) at Covenant – Hannah (11)
Spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s –Betsy (6)
Riding the kiddy rides at Holiday world –Rebekah (3)
April & June trips to the US Space and Rocket center as guests of NASA –Sean
Seeing Niagra Falls on the Maid of the Midst –Monica
Going to Canada –Lydia (9)
Staying at a hotel –Joseph (4)
Playing in the fall leaves –John (1)
Many Blessings from our family to yours.