Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Baby Tire

Okay. This may be a sensitive subject for some of you, but I need answers. I promise to leave pictures out of this lest I become family unfriendly:) Or at least it would be a sure way to offend some new friends.

Having 7 children has left me with this ring of fat below the bellybutton that just won't seem to budge. I liken it to a tire. I'm back in my pre-baby jeans at this point (thanks to the combination of denim and spandex) , the scale is not offending me, but this extra bit of jelly on my belly isn't volunteering to go on its own. I'm not looking to be a model here, just someone a little more well proportioned or at least with something that resembles a waistline.

I need ideas. I need solutions. I need a plan.

I want it gone by next June.

Tell me about yourself. What has worked for you? How long did it take? How did you kick the baby tire to the curb?

Need solutions? Got answers? Go to Shannon's for Works-for-me-Wednesday Backwards Day!


Elizabeth Sue said...

I have the same backwards day theme! I will let you know what I hear. Good Luck!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Girdles? Liposuction? Aren't I helpful?

My muffin top isn't quite as offensive as my badonkadonk booty. I was babysitting yesterday and the little guy told me, "You have a big bottom." Good times.

Dana~Are We There Yet? said...

I'm a midwife, and I've served many women who have birthed large families. I can tell you that skin and muscle that have stretched that far, that many times, rarely shrinks entirely away. "Control Top" is the word of the day, if surgery is out of the question. I would reserve the surgical option until you are certain you are beyond your childbearing years.

Core exercises (Pilates, etc.) will tone and build the underlying muscle structures, but the skin and outer muscle layers are likely stretched for good.

Enjoy the fruits of your labors ( :-D )!

Catherine said...

It's probably totally offensive for me to put a comment in since I've only got two babies thus far, but I really got a lot out of two books "Maternal Fitness" and "Lose Your Mummy Tummy" both by Julie Tupler. It's basically how to fix the separation between your muscle walls from pregnancy (diastasis) and tighten everything up in your core so at least your organs aren't spilling about in an untidy way. :) It's worked pretty well for me, although it doesn't shrink skin, as my weird looking belly button can attest!

After I've had five more babies I'll let you know if it's still working. :)

Anonymous said...

After 7 myself I do have some muffintop that won't go away. BUT... The best success I have had (don't throw rotton fruit at me...) is the South Beach Diet. I'm not fat by any means, but with this diet bellyfat is The First To Go! It makes a huge difference. The skin will never go back but losing the bellyfat helps with fitting in clothes that fit the rest of your body.
Oh and I say mine looks like biscuit dough... LOL

Saralyn said...

Two words--"plastic surgery", or maybe "granny panties"? While definitely not a Christian book, What You Wear Can Change Your Life by Trinny Woodall and Susannah Constantine has some great ideas to hide or at least downplay our less than stellar areas. Check it out at your library.

Unknown said...

Oh, a topic close to my heart. I've had six babies and with my youngest being six months old, I still need to lose about 15 lbs. Previously, breastfeeding took care of most of it but I do have to stay on the treadmill and do those crunches. My problem is that, because of nursing, I'm constantly starving!! Ugh.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Wish I had some so discouraged myself shopping the other day while looking at these "hips".

mindi said...

I've only had three, but I've got the same problem.
However, my last one was 10 lb 11 oz at birth so I think that's where it comes from (at least it's an excuse!!)
Sorry, can't be of help, but if I come up with anything I'll let you know!

Anonymous said...

To lose weight and not eat so much: I drink coffee. It makes me feel like I'm treating myself. To fix the muffin top: higher waisted jeans! Not mom jeans, mind you--I like the easy rider fit from Lucky or the relaxed fit from BKE (I think that's the name).

Unknown said...

I am not a mother and have never given birth, but if you want my two cents, I would HIGHLY recommend "You on a Diet" by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen. My roomate - Heidi - and I read his book watched the DVD and listened to his book on CD (going for the multi-sensory approach). He has some very practical ways to decrease your WAIST size. Walking is one of his BIGGEST recommendations and trying a "diabetic" diet - lots of whole grains. Walk 30 min a day - or 10,000 steps. I have a fantastic pedometer that I love using.

jennie said...

I told you when we make it rich we are going away for a week and having everything tucked back where it is supposed to be. This will give you motivation to pray that the business grows quick and we can sell it soon. I don't know maybe we will get a boob lift too!!!

pearmama said...

Ugh. The dreaded baby tire. I have one. I hate it! After six chil'rens, I just don't think it's ever going to go away. Even if it did, it will still be stretched out and scarred with stretchmarks, so my lazy side says, Why bother? I keep hearing about this "Mommy Makeover" package done by all the plastic surgeons around here (I live in So Cal)--breast lift or breast reduction and a tummy tuck. I soooo need a tummy tuck. Just cut it off and do away with it, please! I have a big butt but that is behind me but that just doesn't bother me as much.

When you find something, let us all know.